

First Aeroponics Sprouts!

Posted on September 8, 2013 by Travis Athougies

This past summer, my brother and I worked on a simple aeroponics system. Currently, we have five grow sites in a PVC tube, but the system should be easily extensible to more (we have a pretty good pump on it).

We ran into some issues with overwatering the seeds which resulted in our first batch of seeds getting ruined. We had the system turn on for one minute every 4 minutes for a total of 20% watering time. However, this led to too much watering.

For this second batch of successfully sprouted seeds, we kept the same one-minute on, four-minute off pattern, but we had the system turn off completely at night. This fits more in line with what the plants expect from their natural environment, and sure enough, we finally have sprouts!

Here are some pictures for everyone to see!



A root shoot from the new sprout!

A root shoot from the new sprout!