

Hidden costs of polymorphic recursions

Posted on June 19, 2019 by Travis Athougies

Finger trees are a sequential, persistent data structure with very good asymptotic bounds for common operations, such as concatenation, adding at the beginning or end, and indexing / searching. Better yet, they can be parameterized by measure types to form many useful data structures, like priority queues, interval trees, key value arrays, etc.

It’s no surprise that they form the basis of several performant Haskell packages such as the popular Data.Seq and Data.FingerTree.

A finger tree is basically a 2-3-4 tree turned on its head. The exact layout of a finger tree is beyond the scope of this article, but a good overview can be found here. Below is a reproduction of a diagram of a finger tree from that paper.

Notice how at each level of the tree, subtrees are of the same height. Most Haskell implementations of finger trees use a technique known as polymorphic recursion to provide a compile time guarantee that all child nodes at the same level have equal height. This is a great technique, and Haskell is one of few languages that support this.

However, while using finger trees in a recent project I was working on, I began to notice that they allocated a lot more memory than I expected. In garbage collected languages like Haskell, the larger size of memory, the slower the program will run. Thus, I knew I needed to minimize memory usage, while maintaining type safety. Luckily, GHC’s type system is expressive enough to make this change.

The Structure

The most general finger tree structure (from the fingertree package) is typically given as

data FingerTree v a
    = Empty
    | Single
    | Deep v (Digit a) (FingerTree v (Node v a)) (Digit a)

data Digit a
    = One a
    | Two a a
    | Three a a a
    | Four a a a a

data Node v a = Node2 v a a | Node3 v a a a

On inspection, this seems pretty straight forward. I mean, most Haskellers are used to recursive structures, such as the list.

data [a] = [] | a : [a]

Notice the following subtlety with FingerTree though: whereas [a] contains a field in the (:) constructor of type [a] (the same type as the type we’re defining), the FingerTree v a structure contains a field in the Deep constructor of type FingerTree v (Node v a). That is to say, instead of a FingerTree v a Deep constructor containing a finger tree holding elements of type a, the Deep finger tree holds elements of type Node v a. Of course, Node v a represents a tree with one level of nodes. The finger tree inside a Deep constructor can of course also be another Deep instance, and its sub tree will now contain elements of type Node v (Node v a) (a two-level tree).

This matches the equal level property we desired above.

The problem

On its own, this is fine. The issue, however, comes whenever we want to operate on this tree. Take a look at the implementation of the traverse function for FingerTree.

traverse' :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) =>
    (a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverse' = traverseTree

traverseTree :: (Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) =>
    (a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverseTree _ Empty = pure Empty
traverseTree f (Single x) = Single <$> f x
traverseTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
    deep <$> traverseDigit f pr <*> traverseTree (traverseNode f) m <*> traverseDigit f sf

traverseNode :: (Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) =>
    (a1 -> f a2) -> Node v1 a1 -> f (Node v2 a2)
traverseNode f (Node2 _ a b) = node2 <$> f a <*> f b
traverseNode f (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c

traverseDigit :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Digit a -> f (Digit b)
traverseDigit f (One a) = One <$> f a
traverseDigit f (Two a b) = Two <$> f a <*> f b
traverseDigit f (Three a b c) = Three <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c
traverseDigit f (Four a b c d) = Four <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c <*> f d

In particular, notice the following case:

traverseTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) =
    deep <$> traverseDigit f pr <*> traverseTree (traverseNode f) m <*> traverseDigit f sf

Because (Deep _ pr m sf) :: FingerTree v a but m :: FingerTree v (Node v a), notice how we cannot pass f directly to traverseTree. Instead, we have to pass traverseNode f. This seemingly innocuous line incurs an additional heap allocation (8 bytes or more on a 64-bit architecture) with each level of the tree.

Okay, so what you ask? All we’re doing here is incurring an O(log n) memory overhead when doing a traversal. That’s not that big a deal in a language like Haskell.

But wait, there’s more…

The traverseNode function takes two arguments, but, when passed to traverseTree it is only supplied one. That’s fine by Haskell of course. On the implementation level however, most Haskell implementations only perform a reduction (a function call) when a function is fully applied. Oftentimes, the compiler can cleverly inline or reason its way out of having to examine application arity at compile-time. Unfortunately, in the general case, this can’t be done, and – as a rule of thumb – GHC mainly gives up on inlining optimizations when it comes down to recursive calls, like the one above.

This means that the incomplete application is stored on the heap as a partial application (or PAP node in GHC’s STG parlance).

But wait, there’s more! Notice the Measured constraint on these function calls. If GHC sees we have a Measured v a and needs to construct a Measured v (Node v a) it’s actually going to construct yet another PAP node behind the scenes to handle the measure function. This happens whether we like it or not, simply due to the fact that Measured is listed as a constraint, and the mesaure function is used (in this case by the call to deep).

So, aside from the O(log n) memory overhead, we also have a much more involved arity check plus indirect function application. Ugh… this is going to be really difficult to optimize.

Indexing to the rescue

One key insight here is that the ‘shape’ of the nested types forces us to perform these kinds of time-consuming allocations and function calls. While technically correct, the code is not written in such a way that the compiler can easily optimize, simply because modern computer architectures are not really intended for this sort of highly functional code.

On the other hand, GHC is great at optimizing tight loops. Nominally of course, traverse should just be a tight loop, but, again, the structure of the algebraic data type is getting in the way. Can we do better?

One obvious solution is to simply get rid of the polymorphic recursion. This has the advantage that we can now simply pass f to each recursive call to traverseTree preventing the naughty allocation.

However, for the type-minded in the audience, this solution doesn’t sit well. The point of the recursion was to limit the kinds of data structures that are members of this type to only the finger tree structures that are balanced. Free, unbounded recursion of the fingers would lose that guarantee.

An alternative

What about, instead of explicit polymorphic recursion, we instead parameterized each FingerTree by its depth in the top-level finger tree. If we had the depth available to us, then we would know how many levels the fingers must have.

First, our level type, a simple type-level natural number

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
data Level = LZ | LSucc Level

Now, a finger tree, paramaterized by level

data FingerTreeN (l :: Level) v a where
   Empty :: FingerTreeN l v a
   Single :: Tree l v a -> FingerTreeN l v a
   Deep :: v -> Digit l v a -> FingerTreeN ('LSucc l) v a -> Digit l v a -> FingerTreeN l v a

data Digit (n :: Level) v a
  = One   (Tree n v a)
  | Two   (Tree n v a) (Tree n v a)
  | Three (Tree n v a) (Tree n v a) (Tree n v a)
  | Four  (Tree n v a) (Tree n v a) (Tree n v a) (Tree n v a)

data Node n v a
  = Node2 !v !(Tree n v a) !(Tree n v a)
  | Node3 !v !(Tree n v a) !(Tree n v a) !(Tree n v a)

newtype Tree n v a = Tree (TreeF n v a)

type family TreeF (n :: Level) v a where
  TreeF LZ v a = a
  TreeF (LSucc l) v a = Node l v a

Notice now that the recursive embedding of FingerTreeN is still applied at a. All the polymorphism has been ‘lifted’ into the type-level successor index of the FingerTreeN data family.

Now all we need to note is that the top-level FingerTree is a FingerTreeN applied at level LZ.

newtype FingerTree v a = FingerTree (FingerTreeN 'LZ v a)

Interestingly enough, pretty much all the implementation can stay the same, with one caveat.

The Level parameter to the type has to be reified at the value level in order to be of use. This means that we need to pass an extra element to our functions to have them be of any use. We define a new singleton for our Level type.

data RuntimeDepth (l :: Level) where
  RuntimeZ :: RuntimeDepth 'LZ
  RuntimeSucc :: RuntimeDepth l -> RuntimeDepth ('LSucc l)

Ignore the various fields on the constructors for now.

Now, we can pattern match on RuntimeDepth to prove to the compiler if TreeF n v a is a or an application of Node.

traverse' :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f)
          => (a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverse' f (FingerTree t) = FingerTree <$> traverse'' zeroDepth f t

traverse'' :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f)
           => RuntimeDepth l -> (a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTreeN l v1 a1 -> f (FingerTreeN l v2 a2)
traverse'' !_ _ Empty = pure Empty
traverse'' !l f (Single x) = Single <$> traverseTree l f x
traverse'' !l f (Deep _ pr m sf) = deep l <$> traverseDigit l f pr <*> traverse'' (nextDepth l) f m <*> traverseDigit l f sf

traverseTree :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f)
             => RuntimeDepth l -> (a1 -> f a2) -> Tree l v1 a1 -> f (Tree l v2 a2)
traverseTree (RuntimeZ _) f (Tree x) = Tree <$> f x
traverseTree (RuntimeSucc l') f (Tree (Node2 _ a b)) = treeDigit <$> (node2 l' <$> traverseTree l' f a <*> traverseTree l' f b)
traverseTree (RuntimeSucc l') f (Tree (Node3 _ a b c)) = treeDigit <$> (node3 l' <$> traverseTree l' f a <*> traverseTree l' f b <*> traverseTree l' f c)

traverseDigit :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f)
              => RuntimeDepth l -> (a1 -> f a2) -> Digit l v1 a1 -> f (Digit l v2 a2)
traverseDigit !l f (One a) = One <$> traverseTree l f a
traverseDigit !l f (Two a b) = Two <$> traverseTree l f a <*> traverseTree l f b
traverseDigit !l f (Three a b c) = Three <$> traverseTree l f a <*> traverseTree l f b <*> traverseTree l f c
traverseDigit !l f (Four a b c d) = Four <$> traverseTree l f a <*> traverseTree l f b <*> traverseTree l f c <*> traverseTree l f d

nextDepth :: RuntimeDepth l -> RuntimeDepth ('LSucc l)
nextDepth = RuntimeSucc

Of course, if we had to continuously construct new RuntimeDepths using nextDepth, we’re still allocating things on the heap. Luckily, we can get rid of this too, by adding a pointer to each RuntimeDepth constructor to the next one in the series.

data RuntimeDepth (l :: Level) where
  RuntimeZ :: RuntimeDepth ('LSucc 'LZ) -> RuntimeDepth 'LZ
  RuntimeSucc :: RuntimeDepth ('LSucc ('LSucc l)) -> RuntimeDepth l -> RuntimeDepth ('LSucc l)

zeroDepth :: RuntimeDepth 'LZ
zeroDepth = let x = RuntimeZ (next x)

                next prev = let y = RuntimeSucc prev (next y)
                            in y
            in x

nextDepth :: RuntimeDepth l -> RuntimeDepth ('LSucc l)
nextDepth (RuntimeZ x) = x
nextDepth (RuntimeSucc x _) = x

Now, due to the power of laziness, these are only ever allocated once per run of the program. Once allocated, the nodes are reused. We now have allocation free recursion for traverse!

Let’s see if this stands to scrutiny.


My version of finger trees (with code broadly copied from the fingertree package) is available on Hackage. I’ve named these structures ‘pinky trees’ because they’re like finger trees, but lighter weight.

I’m going to use the benchmarks from the haskell-perf sequences repository. We’re going to look at total runtime as well as memory usage.

I’m going to compare my trees against the generic fingertree package to make a fair comparison (Data.Sequence explicitly fixes the v above allowing the compiler to make some heap representation optimizations not available in the general case).

My benchmarks are available here.

As you can see, pinky trees are superior in all respects to finger trees.

Next steps

The Data.FingerTree.Pinky package is a pretty much drop-in replacement for Data.FingerTree. There are a few missing functions, but they should be easily added by copy-pasting (a technique I rarely recommend).

Happy finger tree-ing!